Florence, 3rd September 2024

online, 19th September 2024

National Workshops in Italy

1st Workshop

The first Italian Workshop of RES4LIVE focused on the integration of Renewable Energy systems within livestock farms. The event took place on Saturday 22/10/2022 at the Exhibition Centre of Montichiari (BS), within the framework of the national Agricultural and Livestock Exhibition. The participants included representatives of the main national farmers’ associations, a member of the Agricultural Commission of the Italian Parliament, technicians involved in the design of livestock buildings, managers of livestock farms. RES4LIVE was presented by the teams of UNIBO and Golinelli farm, with particular reference to the technologies developed for pig barns, that were under installation in the Italian pilot farm of the project. In particular, the innovative solution of an integrated system with Photovoltaic-Thermal panel, Geothermal Storage boreholes and modular Heat Pump was analyzed. The discussion focused on the potential of these technologies in terms of savings in the energy budget of farms and reduction of the carbon footprint of animal productions. The participants identified the main obstacle that can limit a widespread adoption of these technologies, i.e. the economic impact of the initial investment. Therefore, various proposals were formulated in terms of possible policies to support farmers in reducing the economic uncertainties of investments in Renewable Energies, as well as enhancing livestock productions carried out with sustainable low-carbon approaches.

The program and further information on the event are available here.



2nd Workshop

On the 21st of February 2024, at the premises of Bologna’s Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (DISTAL), a workshop titled “The Energy Transition in Livestock Farming: Problems and Perspectives Co-design meeting among stakeholders “took place. The meeting was open to stakeholders, technicians, entrepreneurs and operators in the agricultural sector and bodies and organizations involved in the energy transition process of the agro-livestock supply chain.

The meeting was coordinated by Stefano Benni, Associate Professor of Rural Construction at the University of Bologna, who gave an overview of the RES4LIVE project. Presentation available here.

Sarah Magrini, Head of Environment and Territory Area Coldiretti Emilia Romagna, presented the point of view of Coldiretti, which brings together 1.5 million associated Italian farmers: Farms in the energy transition: concerns and requests. Presentation available here.

Dr. Marco Alberghini, representing Terra Viva Association of Free Agricultural Producers, articulated the perspectives of farmers, drawing from several experiences and opinions. Presentation available here.







Corrado Fantuzzi of STET-Agri followed, delving into the nuances of livestock building design and the evolving challenges faced by technicians and companies in the field. Presentation available here.

Guglielmo Golinelli, a member of the Agriculture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and a breeder, shed light on the legislative landscape, providing a panoramic view of national policies. Presentation available here.

Dr. Davide Montagnini then presented the case study of his own agricultural company, a farm of 500 dairy cows, located in the Bologna plain, with a 200kW photovoltaic system which is scheduled to double, a 300 kW biogas plant powered with 30,000 t/year of wastewater, with the possibility of doubling and preparing the connection to the methane pipeline network for a possible upgrade to biomethane.

The Rural Construction Research Group at DISTAL, University of Bologna, discussed the implementation of a pilot project on renewable energy technologies in livestock farming, focusing on RES4LIVE and the Golinelli Agricultural Company.

Finally, during the round table and discussion (presentation available here), participants began with a presentation on climate-changing emissions linked to various human activities, including agriculture. They engaged in dialogue, emphasizing the significance of proposed ideas and interventions. Specifically, they stressed the need for guidelines, policies, and regulations to boost agri-food production while facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources compatible with agricultural practices. Additionally, incentives for enhancing energy efficiency in agricultural and livestock buildings were highlighted. Professor Daniele Torreggiani emphasized the importance of integrating these topics into the education and training of young agronomists at all academic levels.

The program is available here.

3rd Workshop









The 3rd workshop titled “The Contribution of Livestock Farms to Energy Independency and De-fossilization”, took place in Bologna on September 9, 2024, during a co-design meeting among stakeholders. Professor Benni introduced the workshop and the objectives of the RES4LIVE project, which focuses on renewable energy in livestock farming. Presentation available here.

Sarah Magrini from Coldiretti emphasized that agriculture can overcome the challenges posed by climate change only by acknowledging the primary importance of agricultural production. She also highlighted the opportunities that farm multifunctionality offers. Presentation available here.

Dr. Marco Alberghini presented opportunities for funding and public support for the installation of renewable energy systems on farms, noting that decarbonizing farm activities is often a priority in grant applications. Presentation available here.

Maurizio Gallo, Director of ANAS (National Swine Farmers’ Association), gave an overview of the current state of the Italian swine sector and stressed the need to update farming practices to improve animal welfare, reduce environmental impact, and ensure energy efficiency for sustainability and competitiveness. Presentation available here.

The Rural Construction Research Group of the DISTAL of the University of Bologna proceeded to illustrate the Technologies for the use of renewable energy in livestock farming: implementation of a pilot project, with specific reference to the RES4LIVE project and the Golinelli Agricultural Company. Th results of one-year tests and data analyses were described. Presentation available here.

During the discussion, participants addressed difficulties in obtaining permits for building new pig farms, the need for national criteria to validate technological innovations, and the challenges farmers face in preparing applications for funding. Additionally, they discussed the lack of coordination between agricultural, energy, and urban planning policies.

The program is available here.