Florence, 3rd September 2024

online, 19th September 2024

Expected impact

RES4LIVE will offer to livestock farmers the opportunity to greatly de-fossilize their units, covering their needs in energy, reducing operation costs and ensuring optimum animal productivity. The wide use of the proposed innovative systems by the EU livestock sector will not only pave the way for a fossil-energy-free agriculture, but is also expected to have multidimensional impacts on the European economy, society and farming industry. In this framework, key EU priorities will be addressed, such as:

  • Creating forefront knowledge in the application of renewable energy solutions in livestock farming.
  • Supporting job growth and competitiveness in the EU livestock industry, as farmers and entrepreneurially minded companies will be able of outsmarting large industrial farming companies importing animal goods from the USA, Asia, Australia, Brazil and Canada, leading to long-term improvements in competitiveness, sustainability, circularity and diversity of regional and local livestock farms.
  • Improving EU citizens’ quality of life by drastically reducing the livestock sector’s environmental footprint, reducing farms’ dependency on fossil fuel and electricity providers and contributing to the de-fossilization of EU economy, fulfilling the EU Green Deal requirements. As a result, products with reduced environmental footprint (e.g. CO2–eq. emissions) will reach the consumers’ table.
  • Building a high animal welfare of animals and their productivity.
    RES4LIVE activities are fully aligned with the future path for the livestock sector, which shall carry out productions suitable to assure food security and food safety, besides putting the animals in condition to have a life worth to be lived, with less diffusion of pathologies (e.g. cough) that could even lead to mortality, and elimination of thermal stress.