RES4LIVE Policy session

19 September 2024 / only online participation


The overall objective of RES4LIVE is to provide advanced and cost-effective technologies to the livestock sector that ensure the sustainability of the farms’ operation, and the superior thermal comfort of the animals for increased productivity with minimum climate change impact.

The strategic objective is to develop and bring into the market integrated, cost-effective and case-sensitive RES solutions towards achieving fossil-free livestock farming. To that end, RES4LIVE will adapt and test promising RES technologies in energy-intensive livestock farming (swine, dairy and poultry) for greatly reducing the fossil energy that is the main source to cover the energy demand. Dedicated, optimal designs combined with energy efficiency and other solutions are proposed, demonstrated in 4 pilot farms and evaluated technically, economically, environmentally, and socially.

RES4LIVE is articulated in the following 4 main Pillars:

  1. RES and machinery adaptation, and other technologies selection:

Adaptation of promising key RES technologies highly suitable for livestock farms, and machinery. Selection of commercial RES and energy efficiency technologies, solutions and measures that can be directly integrated in livestock farms.

  1. Pilot systems design, installation and testing:

RES-based energy systems and combined solutions will follow optimisation methodologies with smart energy control to conclude to their design, installation and eventually pilot testing in 4 selected farms of 3 different species. RES4LIVE emphasises on the long-term testing to confidently evaluate performance, indoor thermal comfort, durability, de-fossilising target set and end-user acceptance.

  1. Multi-level Assessment:

Assessment of the innovative RES-based systems applied on farms, in terms of technical, economic, social and environmental indicators.

  1. Replicability and impact generation:

RES4LIVE will implement case studies in a large variety of EU farms, and will cluster with relative projects and networks to achieve maximum stakeholders’ engagement.

To accomplish the RES4LIVE vision, there are specific objectives divided into the 4 pillars as follows:

Pillar Specific objectives per pillar
Pillar 1 – RES and machinery adaptation, and other technologies selection

(WPs 1,2)

  • Photovoltaic/Thermal (PVT) technology for both heat and electricity production
  • Heat pump for precise indoor environment at all thermal modes
  • Biomethane production from biogas (derived from manure) upgraded for either Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or fuel for farm tractors
  • Tractor retrofitting in order to be fuelled with biomethane
  • RES systems, energy efficiency solutions and practices
Pillar 2 – Pilot systems design, installation and testing

(WPs 3, 4)

  • Development of numerical methodologies and tools
  • Development of smart energy control techniques for optimised livestock buildings environment
  • Designing and preparing all required components for the 4 pilot farms
  • Testing and demonstrating the pilot systems in the farms
Pillar 3 – Multi-level Assessment

(WP 5)

  • Technical assessment
  • Environmental and economic assessment
  • Social assessment
  • Validation of numerical tools


Pillar 4 – Replicability and impact generation (WPs 6, 7)
  • Replicability of solutions
  • Interaction with key stakeholders
  • Clustering formation
  • Roll-out a comprehensive communication, dissemination and exploitation plan