Florence, 3rd September 2024

online, 19th September 2024

1st National Workshop in Belgium

The first Belgian workshop of RES4LIVE focused on appropriate renewable energy sources (RES) technology selection in relation to livestock farming has taken place.

H2020 project RES4LIVE 6th Consortium Meeting

The 6th Consortium Meeting of the RES4LIVE project took place from the 27th to the 28th of April 2023 in Aarhus, Denmark. The meeting was hosted by Aarhus University (AU, Denmark) at its premises.

Increasing renewable energy focus on farms: National Energy and Climate Plans (#NECPs). 

Member States are currently releasing their updated NECPs which take stock of national energy targets and policies and look toward future initiatives and objectives.   Estonia’s NECP, which was released earlier this month, notes a specific objective of increasing the competitiveness and market orientation of farms. Estonia also announces a particular focus on research, technology and digitalisation in this regard. Estonia’s […]

RES4LIVE project 6th Consortium Meeting took place in Denmark!

The 6th Consortium Meeting of the RES4LIVE project took place from the 27th to the 28th of April 2023 in Aarhus, Denmark. The meeting was hosted by Aarhus University (AU, Denmark) at its premises. The meeting was hybrid, allowing those who could not physically join to attend virtually. During the event, fruitful collaboration and communication […]

RES4LIVE consortium visited AU Viborg facilities

On April 27th, during the 6th consortium meeting taking place in Aarhus, Denmark , the RES4LIVE team toured the agricultural research facilities of AU Viborg (https://dca.au.dk/en/about-dca/au-foulum). The visit included a tour of the technology platform Biobase (https://dca.au.dk/…/70175_biobasefolder_UK_4sidet_A4__3… ) , which is focused on the refining of green biomass. Project partners learned about how the biorefinery […]

PVT installation at Golinelli farm by MG Sustainable Engineering

Take a look at the finished PVT installation completed by João Gomes, Ivan Acosta Pazmiño, and Giuseppe Virga of MG Sustainable Engineering for Golinelli farm! Now that system installation is complete, project partners can focus on analysis of system data under the farm’s operational conditions to ensure sufficient system optimisation. Two more PVT projects will […]

Heat pump commissioned by PSYCTOTHERM and Plegma at AUA!

This week in Athens, Greece, our partners from PSYCTOTHERM Marine Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Plegma Labs commissioned RES4LIVE’s heat pump system at the experimental AUA –Agricultural University of Athens poultry farm. The heat pump will provide the heating, cooling, and dehumidifying loads required to regulate the farm’s indoor environment! Now that system installation is […]

RES4LIVE at AgriFlanders!

AgriFlanders is the largest Flemish agricultural and horticultural fair. The 12th edition of AgriFlanders is going to happen next week from 12th to 15th January, 2023 in Gent, Belgium. The RES4LIVE team at ILVO and UGent will be an active participant in the event. Their activities at AgriFlanders will mainly include: Renewable energy sources (RES) in […]

RES4LIVE project presented during the XX CIGR World Congress 2022

In his keynote speech during the XX CIGR World Congress 2022 (“Defossilizing Modern Agriculture – Solutions and Pathways for Fossil-Energy-Free Farming”, Session: “Structures and Environment”), RES4LIVE project coordinator, Prof. Dimitris Manolakos, presented of the AREA ZERO cluster activities emphasizing on RES4LIVE project achievements. bbbb