Florence, 3rd September 2024

online, 19th September 2024

RES4LIVE at AgriFlanders!

AgriFlanders is the largest Flemish agricultural and horticultural fair. The 12th edition of AgriFlanders is going to happen next week from 12th to 15th January, 2023 in Gent, Belgium.

The RES4LIVE team at ILVO and UGent will be an active participant in the event. Their activities at AgriFlanders will mainly include:

  • Renewable energy sources (RES) in livestock farming will be promoted by the project team members for farmers, exhibitors and other stakeholders. The economical, operational, and ecological impacts of RES implementation on a farm level will be discussed and promoted among the participants.
  • An interactive digital tool for informed RES technology selection will be introduced in relation to livestock farms. On the tool the users can first select various RES technology combinations appropriate for their farm. Then, the tool will interactively provide them an insight on the investment cost and the environmental impact of the selected RES technology or technologies.
  • Besides, an online survey will be dissimilated to access the energy consumption and RES penetration at different livestock farms. The survey participants will possibly be involved on the future workshops in relation to RES4LIVE and its outputs.
  • The RES4LIVE brochure translated into the Dutch language will be displayed at the event. You can download it here.