– by EAAP
RES4LIVE will produce 30 practice abstracts in the EIP Agri format. These will include practice abstracts based on RES4LIVE activities with a particular focus on the 4 pilot farms (in Belgium, Italy, Greece and Germany), each produced in English and, if applicable, in national languages. A practice abstract is a short summary that describes a main information/recommendation/practice that can be used by the end-users in their daily practice. The first 10 Practice Abstracts are available on the website and under review by the EC services.
Practice Abstract n. 1 Practice Abstract n. 3 Practice Abstract n. 10
PA n. 1: “Heat pumps for climate control of livestock buildings”.
PA n. 3: “Precise indoor environmental control of agricultural buildings and energy smart control”.
PA n. 10: “On-farm energy demand and available renewable energy potential in dairy farms”.