Florence, 3rd September 2024

online, 19th September 2024

RES4LIVE’s People: Stefano Fratelli!

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Management, an Msc in Markets and Business Strategies. Currently, I am finishing my Master’s degree in Sustainable Energy System Management with an intership at MG Sustainable Engineering, Sweden specializing in the field of Renewable Energy, mainly solar thermal and photovoltaic energy. The MG team has significant expertise in the fields of: Solar Systems Design and Installation, Solar PVT Collector Design and Construction, solar irradiation, solar data analysis, solar system optimization.in order to develop my final project. I have knowledge and some experience related to the economic and financial aspects of renewable energy solutions and projects. My role within the RES4LIVE project is to help the MG team with economic and cost research and analysis. My contribution is related to the market study of different renewable technologies such as Photovoltaic, Solar Thermal and Hybrid Photovoltaic-thermal system and to the cost and benefit that these systems can provide.