Florence, 3rd September 2024

online, 19th September 2024

RES4LIVE’s People: Manali Kulkarni!

Hi! My name is Manali Kulkarni and I work at MG Sustainable Engineering AB, based in Sweden. MG specializes in the field of Renewable Energy, mainly solar thermal and photovoltaic. I am an Electrical Engineer with a background in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering. My areas of interest lie in the fields of sensors, digital and analog communication models, information theory and coding techniques as well as phovoltaics and integrated photovoltaics. Within RES4LIVE, our MG team will focus on designing the PVT systems to specfically cater to the heating and electrical demands of the livestock farms. We will also be developing a standardized solar station to significantly reduce the system complexity and facilitate replicability of solar systems in agriculture. I’m involved in the electrical system design and installation phase of the PVT systems, and well as general project management.