Florence, 3rd September 2024

online, 19th September 2024

RES4LIVE’s People: Francesco Tinti!

I am research fellow and adjunct professor at the University of Bologna, Georesources sector; my primary area of expertise is shallow geothermal energy assessment and most of my research work has been devoted to investigating ways of improving the design of ground heat exchangers, lowering the installation costs and increasing the environmental sustainability. I participated in several European Projects: Interreg IVC “GEO.POWER”, IPA Adriatic “LEGEND”, Europeaid “E4EM”, H2020 “GEOTeCH” and EIT RawMaterials “INCO-Piles”. During the years, I have activated scientific collaboration in geothermal energy with many research groups and companies across Italy and Europe; I am also part of the Editorial Board of Mining Geology Petroleum Bulletin. In RES4LIVE project, my focus is on analyses and design solutions to set up an underground energy storage integrated with RES systems in the Italian pilot farm.
