Florence, 3rd September 2024

online, 19th September 2024

RES4LIVE’s People: Daniele Torreggiani!

My name is Daniele Torreggiani and I am an Associate Professor of Biosystems Engineering at UNIBO, University of Bologna. My scientific activities focus on the resilience and sustainability of building and territorial systems, geographic and positioning information systems, smart farming and precision livestock farming systems, innovative lighting systems in protected crops, and analysis and design of agricultural and agroindustrial buildings. I am the scientific responsible for the University of Bologna of international projects PRIMA “Self-sufficient Integrated Multi-Trophic AquaPonic systems for improving food production sustainability and brackish water use and recycling” and Climate KIC pathfinder “AELCLIC: Adaptation of European Landscapes to Climate Change”. I am Director of First Cycle Degree of Sciences and Technologies for Green and Landscape and member of the Executive Board of UNISCAPE network. In RES4LIVE project, I am involved in the implementation of RES solutions in the Italian pilot farm and in clustering activities and co-creation with stakeholders.
