RES4LIVE Final Conference

3 September 2024, Florence (Italy) / only online participation

EUSEW – European Sustainable Energy Week

Where: Brussels, Belgium (hybrid event)

From 19/09/2022 to 23/09/2022


The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) will take place on September 19-23, 2022.

EUSEW brings together public authorities, private companies, projects, NGOs and consumers to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables for clean, secure and efficient energies.

The 2022 edition of EUSEW will take place in a hybrid format: both participants and speakers will be able to participate online or onsite in Brussels.

Under the theme “Going green and digital for Europe’s energy transition”, the event will comprise

  • a high-level policy conference
  • the awards
  • the third European youth energy day

as well as opportunities for bilateral meetings, exhibition stands and other networking activities.

You can download the extended programme here.

EUREC will take part in the event.