H2020 project RES4LIVE 5th Consortium Meeting
The 5th Consortium Meeting of the RES4LIVE project took place in Potsdam, Germany, between the 24th and 25th of November 2022.
Coming events
List of the upcoming events with RES4LIVE project partners attendance.
Partner team: CERTH, ILVO
Partner team: CERTH, ILVO
The first 10 Practice Abstracts
RES4LIVE will produce 30 practice abstracts in the EIP Agri format.
BioCNG Retrofit : An innovative approach through mature technology
For CRMT, the retrofit approach is the energetic transformation of a new or an already existing diesel vehicle, to make it run only on natural biomethane, by making technical choices adapted to the targeted use case, in order to improve its environmental quality and its operational performances.
News from the project
News from RES4LIVE project!
1st Review meeting
As March 2022 marked the end of the first 18 months of RES4LIVE, the project’s 1st Review Meeting (RM) took place on Tuesday 28/06/2022, in a virtual format.
H2020 project RES4LIVE 4th Consortium Meeting
Between the 28th and 29th of April 2022, the 4th Consortium Meeting of RES4LIVE project took place in Bologna, Italy.
H2020 project RES4LIVE 3rd Consortium Meeting
After a whole year of virtual meetings, the RES4LIVE Consortium met for its first time in person. Our 3rd Consortium Meeting took place between the 4th and 5th of November 2021 and was organized by CERTH (Greece) in the premises of the Agricultural University of Athens, complying with the COVID-19 guidelines. Because of the hybrid […]
News from the RES4LIVE Pilot farms!
With COVID-19 pandemic present for the greater part of our project’s life so far, traveling across Europe has not been an easy task for nearly a year. Fortunately, when the measures relaxed, visits to the German, Belgian and Italian pilot farms took place in order to discuss the proposed interventions and their technical details in […]