Florence, 3rd September 2024

online, 19th September 2024

RES4LIVE’s People: Iván Acosta Pazmiño!

I’m a mechatronics Engineer with a Master’s degree in Energy Engineering. Currently, I’m finishing my Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences and working as a project manager at MG Sustainable Engineering AB, Sweden specializing in the field of Renewable Energy, mainly solar thermal and photovoltaic energy. The MG team has significant expertise in the fields of: Solar Systems Design and Installation, Solar PVT Collector Design and Construction, solar irradiation, solar data analysis, solar system optimization. I have an experience in the technological development of devices and systems to harvest renewable energy sources, mainly solar energy. I’ve been involved in the design, execution, and management of several projects to produce heat and power for industrial, commercial, and residential applications. My main role within the RES4LIVE project is to support the design, construction, and commissioning of the photovoltaic and thermal (PV/T) systems that are going to be installed in the farms to produce heat and power for their processes. Moreover, I’m part of the team whose main objective is to device a standardized solar station that would significally reduce the installation and comissioning time for PVT systems at the same time of reducing the system complexity hence having a simpler operation and maintenance.