Florence, 3rd September 2024

online, 19th September 2024

New people in RES4LIVE project: Sepehr Foroushani, Dimitrios Fakis, Giovanni Pollicino

Sepehr Foroushani (ATB Research Scientist)

Sepehr Foroushani joined the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy in Potsdam (ATB) in May 2021. Sepehr is a mechanical engineer with extensive experience in heat transfer, computational fluid dynamics, building energy modeling and sustainable energy systems. His doctoral work at the University of Waterloo in Canada was on an extension of the Newton law of cooling. Prior to joining ATB, Sepehr worked at the City of Richmond and Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada.







Dimitrios Fakis (CERTH Research associate)

Dimitrios Fakis is a graduate of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a PhD candidate with the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department of Brunel University in London. He has been employed as a research associate at CERTH/CPERI since early 2021. His research activities are focused on modelling electrical systems, on high voltage/high current/microwave subsystems and also on the utilisation and characterisation of advanced materials, including composite metamaterials.  At CERTH he has been predominantly involved in research projects about Hydrogen technologies and renewable energy applications.





Giovanni Pollicino (UNIBO Adjunct Professor)

Giovanni Pollicino is a technician and an adjunct professor at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of Bologna. He gives an administrative and an organizational support to the Biosystems Engineering research group in retrieving and purchasing materials and instruments; he also helps the group in its various research activities: analysis and design of agricultural and agro-industrial buildings, monitoring systems for the agricultural sector (wineries, greenhouses and dairy barns). Regarding the RES4LIVE project, he is involved in the implementation of RES solutions in the Italian pilot farm and in clustering activities and co-creation with stakeholders.
