Florence, 3rd September 2024

online, 19th September 2024

News from the project

The first set of RES4LIVE public deliverables are uploaded on our website! – by AUA

D2.2: Integration schemes of RES4LIVE adapted technologies with commercial solutions

A numerical model was developed where the use of sustainable Renewable Energy Sources (RES) technologies can be simulated. The model allows to determine the life cycle cost of the installation and the annual carbon dioxide emissions, and it will be used to develop integration schemes of RES technologies for livestock barn. The technologies under consideration are heat pumps, solar energy (photovoltaic panels, thermal solar collectors, and hybrid panels), wind turbines, electric storage, and thermal storage. This deliverable presents a model that allows to optimally design a RES system for a livestock farm. The results indicate that where there is a high heating load, a heat pump will effectively reduce emissions. In any case, solar energy and (for larger installations) wind energy can cost-effectively be used. While thermal storage is economically feasible, electrical storage is less often found in the optimal mix.

D3.1: Report on the analysis of energy demand-consumption and RES availability in typical livestock farms

The overall objective of this deliverable is to examine and quantify energy efficiency measures in typical livestock farms, point out the potential penetration of renewable energy sources as a function of energy demand/consumption and obtain a representative picture of the current energy status of the four pilot farms. The existing situation in typical livestock farms in EU is assessed through a comprehensive literature review. The limited available data demonstrates that the main energy consumption of livestock facilities is indirect and occurs from the production of the animal feed. On the other hand, direct on-farm energy demands constitute about 25% of the total energy consumption and vary according to the farm type, location, and its infrastructure.

D7.8: First set of practice abstracts 

A Practice Abstract (PA) describes the main information/recommendation/practice that can serve the end-users in their daily practice. A full package of practice abstracts will be produced by RES4LIVE project, containing all the outcomes/recommendations which are ready for practice. The first ten of these PAs have been delivered: (i) Heat pumps for climate control of livestock buildings, (ii) Laying hens’ thermal comfort and egg productivity, (iii) Precise indoor environmental control of agricultural buildings and energy smart control, (iv) Thermoneutrality in dairy cattle and its effect on productivity, (v) Pigs’ thermal comfort and the relationship with productivity, (vi) On-farm energy demand and available renewable energy potential in pig farms, (vii) Photovoltaic – Thermal collectors for electrical and thermal demands in livestock farms, (viii) Electric tractors (e-tractors) for on farm use, (ix) On-farm energy demand and available renewable energy potential in poultry farms for egg production, and (x) On-farm energy demand and available renewable energy potential in dairy farms.

Publications by AUA, ATB and MG

  1. Energy Use in the EU Livestock Sector: A Review Recommending Energy Efficiency Measures and Renewable Energy Sources AdoptionPartners AUA and CERTH: https://doi.org/10.3390/app12042142

In collaboration with AgroFossilFree colleagues, a review bringing together data from a large number of studies investigating energy use in EU livestock systems was conducted. The review indicates dominance of and dependence on fossil fuel and discusses the situation and research around transitioning towards renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency. Our analysis indicates that existing energy use data in livestock systems are fragmented and characterized by multiple methodologies and considerable data gaps. In our view, there is a need for the development of a standardized methodology for measuring energy use in livestock systems, which we consider a necessary step to develop interventions that reduce fossil energy use in livestock systems and its contribution to climatic change.

  1. Thermodynamic assessment of heat stress in dairy cattle: lessons from human biometeorology – Partner ATB: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-022-02321-2

The present paper revisits classical work on human biometeorology to draw inspiration for advancing research on heat stress in dairy cattle. A general framework based on the thermodynamics of thermoregulation is proposed and recommendations are presented for systematically addressing a validation gap in the literature in particular and continuing research within the proposed framework in general.

  1. Evaluation of a solar concentrating photovoltaic thermal collector (CPVT) in a dairy and swine farm in Europe – Partner MG:https://doi.org/10.18086/swc.2021.29.05

The use of concentrating photovoltaic-thermal collectors integrated with other renewable energy sources has been evaluated to develop a fossil-free renewable energy system for dairy and swine farms. Two pilot farms from the RES4LIVE project were taken as case studies, and the Solarus PC2S collector as a model. Considering the energy demands and existing energy systems of the farms, an integrated design of a renewable energy system for each farm was proposed. The optimal design temperature of the CPVT system was presented including simulations of the expected thermal and electrical output of the collectors at each pilot farm location.

Events and dissemination activities – by AUA

  1. On Thursday 24 March 2022, the 1st AREA ZERO Webinar took place, presenting the activities of the six projects (TheGreefa, Agrobioheat, AgroFossilFree, HyPErFarm, RES4LIVE and RENAISSANCE) funded by the EC under Horizon 2020, which aim to work together for implementing technologies, techniques or strategies toward lower harmful emission, cleaner energy, and improved energy efficiency in the agricultural sector.
  1. RES4LIVE Project participated in AgroFossilFree workshop organized in Arta, Greece on the 12th of May, regarding the energy consumption profile of Greek livestock facilities, the existing barriers that slow down the green transition and ideas for policy recommendations.
  1. On the 24th of June, the two projects jointed forces once again during the 1st AgroFossilFree Transnational Workshop about Greenhouses, bringing together stakeholders from all over EU, where RES4LIVE, TheGreefa and HyPErFarm, members of AREA ZERO (Alliance for Renewable Energy in Agriculture and Zero Fossil Energy) were presented.