Florence, 3rd September 2024

online, 19th September 2024

RES4LIVE’s People: Alexander Loris!

Hej! My name is Alex, and I work at MG Sustainable Engineering AB. I am a mechanical engineer with specialization in renewable energy systems. Through my work at MG, I specialise in solar thermal and PVT technologies, for which we aim to accelerate the adoption of this promising technology. I also have experience in developing social businesses including entrepreneurship, social innovation, and impact measurement where I have collaborated with several UN organisations and NGOs to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals. My main areas of interest lie in the field of renewable energy, urban design, and applying impactful solutions using a holistic approach. Within RES4LIVE, I manage the project at MG with Manali, and I’m involved in the thermal system design, solar station design, and installation of the PVT systems on the pilot farms.